Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!


My little monsters spent a little time with me Saturday.  Kaitlyn only had about an hour after basketball practice, which was just enough time to get a craft done. 
We used a treat bag she'd gotten last year as our inspiration. 
I cut out the hair, but the rest of the handiwork is hers.  
When I told her we could sew the mouth, she said, "I call the pedal!"   

And you're not going to believe this, but I couldn't find my camera.  Ryan already had Nolan in the car seat, ready to get home and get K ready for a 1:00 birthday party.  But I kept looking, because I'm stubborn that way.  I sometimes hide my camera when I leave the house.  (Robbers:  Steal my computer, tv, whatever, but please don't find my camera!)  And it would be a little counter-productive to leave myself a Post-it saying where I'd hidden it, so I often find myself looking for it.  Ironically, it was where I usually put it, I just didn't see it the first time I looked. 

 I got Kaitlyn to stop for a quick picture while her daddy was waiting for her to leave.  I reeeeally wanted a picture of K and Nolan together, too, but I didn't think Ryan would go for that...

Look at that sweet smile.  Right.  She could care less about the camera at this point.  She's wanting to fish a pumpkin out of that jar of mixed candy you see there. 
And she knows her daddy is waiting . . .
and Mommo is wasting her pumpkin digging time. 
I've got her number.

Here's the back of her "card."  Even though we're always telling each other "It doesn't have to be perfect!" ... and that usually works ... she wasn't pleased with her commas.  She thought they looked too much like 1's.  So we made a small, last-minute "repair" and we were good to go!

 I don't have any pictures of Nolan from yesterday, but here's a couple from last week.  He's growing like crazy!  And smiling like crazy.  And I promise you he was singing "Your are my Sunshine" with me!  Such a shame there were no witnesses.   ;)

There will be pictures of these two in their costumes next week.  Plus, I'm doing a little fall crafting today which I'll share with you.  Stay tuned!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Long time no post . . .

I've been trying to do a little fall decorating around here.  Key word being trying.  Kaitlyn came over for a while Saturday and helped get the outside done.  Pictures soon, I promise.  We do indeed have pictures because Little Miss Photographer went inside and came out with the camera.  Not only that, but she pulled the ladder off the front porch and out onto sidewalk so we could set the timer and get pictures of both of us.  Her exact words as she was making her way down the steps were:  "Make way!  Professional photographer coming through!"

I do want to share this cute Halloween snack Debbie shared with me today.  How stinkin' cute are these?  I don't know the source or I would give credit where credit is due.  (Thanks, Debbie, for the cute stuff you're always sending my way!)

Monster Mouths


·                            2  medium  green or red apples
·                            1/3  cup  peanut butter
·                            1/3  cup  candy corn


1. Core apples; cut each into 8 thick slices. Make each moth by spreading about 1 teaspoon of the peanut butter on an apple slice. Add about 5 pieces candy corn for teeth.
2. Spread another apple slice with about 1 teaspoon peanut butter; press on top of first apple slice. Makes 4 servings.
3.  Enjoy!
4.  Brush your teeth!
(Okay.  So Carolyn added the last two.)
nutrition facts
·                            Calories206, 
·                            Total Fat (g)11, 
·                            Saturated Fat (g)2, 
·                            Monounsaturated Fat (g)5,
·                            Polyunsaturated Fat (g)3, 
·                            Cholesterol (mg)0, 
·                            Sodium (mg)131, 
·                            Carbohydrate (g)25,
·                            Total Sugar (g)9, 
·                            Fiber (g)3, 
·                            Protein (g)5, 
·                            Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

This week has been busy with work, which is a good thing.  Next week is a different story.  So I promise more posting next week!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

5.1 in 2nd

"5.1 in 2nd."  That's going to be the title of the scrapbook page that will one day be made to go along with this post. 

Here is Miss Kaitlyn on her first day of second grade.

She's very proud of her backpack. We do these pictures each year.

Okay.  So back to the title of the post, "5.1 in 2nd."  

Students are tested near the beginning of the school year to determine their reading level.  Books in the library are "ranked" by appropriate grade-level reading abilities.  The kids will read a book and then take a computer test on the book which will indicate their level of reading comprehension. 

Miss Kaitlyn's AR (accelerated reading) score was 5.1, meaning that upon entering second grade, she was reading at the level of a student in the first month of fifth grade.  Now, how cool is that!?! 

She currently has the highest AR score in second grade.  I think that means that she has read and tested over more books, not that she's necessarily reading at the highest level.  But I could be wrong... 

So we know she's got the smarts . . . if only she had more personality!  Ha! 

Thanks for indulging Mommo's brag session. 

I'll leave you with a layout I did about Miss Kaitlyn this summer.

Journaling reads:  "Kaitlyn traded in her dance slippers for ball cleats.  She loved performing, but I think she's more comfortable in her cleats.  And while the recitals were fun, it's just hard to beat a Little League game.  The whole family comes, lawn chairs in tow.  Ryan keeps the books and helps out where needed.  Fun times for all of us, with great memories being made.  The ballpark burgers aren't bad either.   :)  
Spring - Fall 2009"

Her last dance recital was May 2009.  She's played three seasons of ball since then.  There's a spring league and a fall league.  She loves it.  We all love it!

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Kiddo update

We got to keep Mr. Nolan for a bit last weekend, and I discovered something.  If you're babysitting and you need, say, 30 minutes to get something done around the house, put the baby on this little play mat and you're good to go. 
Not that I do that.
I waste spend that 30-minute window of housecleaning opportunity and watch him entertain me himself.

I've gotta tell ya, that picture is actually quite misleading.  I think he's in some sort of a self-induced trance here.  Typically, his hands and feet are in continuous movement when he's "playing" on his mat. 

Case in point:

I need to talk to him about that.  It makes it really hard for Mommo to get good pictures...

And looky who's discovering his hand!  And it's always the left hand.  Wonder if that means he'll be a lefty like his big sister, and his daddy, and his Mommo...

I think he'd like to say hi to you-all real quick before we move on ...


Miss Kaitlyn has been on fall break last week and this week.  I was hoping to have a "Camp Mommo" while she was off, but it just didn't happen.  She did come spend a day with me, although I think her plans were more to come over and play with Amanda, a little neighbor girl. 

We did get a little craft time in before Amanda came over.  I'm so glad "our" scraproom is back in order so there can be more of this taking place:

This girl is in her element when she's crafting. We've designated one of my scrapbooking t-shirts as her painting shirt.  We started that when she was younger.  She hardly makes a mess now, though, at all. And did you notice which hand she uses?  =)

Hope you enjoyed the quick update on the grandkids!


Monday, October 11, 2010


Ta-da!  It's done! 

Of course, one thing led to another.  I needed to don a dust mask and clean the room before putting things away. Then a little rearranging and "foofifying" (my word) seemed in order.  That was the fun part.  Once I got into it, I had to resist the urge to do an all-out purge of supplies.  I did start a small pile for Molly, who has expressed an interest in doing an album for Nolan. 

So now I am inspired.  I'm inspired to spend some time in there creating -- like maybe a belated Happy Birthday card for Mom! -- and to spend some time in there and really get it organized.  The closet in the corner could be used so much more efficiently.  

So here's the big reveal!

Look!  You can see the carpet!  And you can sit in the chairs!

Someday I plan to do a post featuring particular items I'm using.  As I was putzing around in here this weekend, I realized how many family pieces fill the room.  I know Mom and Margaret will get a kick out of seeing how what I've done with things that were theirs or were their mothers'.  

Now, this closet I've got big plans for . . .

Yessiree, Bob.  (Or maybe it should be "yessiree, Gene."  ha!)  This is the home of my future sewing closet.  When I work up the courage -- and when I'm up for the challenge -- I'll show you what mass of junk loveliness lies behind Curtain Number One.  You can safely assume it's another weekend project.  Or maybe a month-long project.  I've got all kinds of ideas for this space.  As a matter of fact, I've already got old sewing pattern pieces up on the wall as wallpaper. 

I think this is something Dad will want to come help with.  I'm going to need an electrical plug or two...   It'll be so much fun!  =)   (Love you, Dad!)

That's it for now.  Transcripts are calling my name!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Keeping it real . . . and a challenge

A challenge to myself.  I'm thinking if I disclose to you-all the state of my scrapbooking room -- and further reveal that it's been this way for, uh, three weeks now -- that it just might, maybe, possibly give me the kick in the behind I need to transform this room back to its splendor.  Who knows.  If this form of humiliation motivation works, I might even get up enough nerve to post a photograph of another room or two or three or four in the house that could use a little attention.  ha! 

In my defense, I've been working on a big transcript.  Sure, one could argue that I've been working on the transcript to avoid the scraproom.  One could be right.  So what?

Okay.  So here I am, stripped of all dignity and pride.  Here is my scraproom as of Saturday afternoon @ 2:20 p.m.

So what do ya think?

Can it be done in one afternoon? 

Check back to find out!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Safety first . . .

It's time to share another scrapbook page.  This is a quick simple one.  (None of my pages are quick.  Let's just say I enjoy the process.)  My pages have gotten simpler as I like to concentrate more on the pictures and journaling these days.  Which is another way of saying I've quit spending money on embellishments and am making do with that I've got.  Which is still plenty, believe me.

Let's begin with this quick disclaimer:

And then let's just go ahead and address the whole irresponsible parenting issue and clear the air.   I promise you I was a prudent parent.  99% of the time.  Really.

Okay.  You can click on the pictures to make them larger.  But just for effect, I've zoomed in on this one for ya ...

... to enable you to fully appreciate his form ... and height ...

And then here's the second page of the layout, which is really about the journaling.
Save your eyes.  I've typed the journaling out for you below.

The journaling reads:

"Photos: 1987 - 4 yrs. old
Journaling - 2010

What were we thinking?
A) Diving jumping into, what, maybe 10 inches of water -- if that much -- ...
B) from a FOLDING CHAIR ...
C) wearing goggles!

Seriously?  Probably the only thing worse than belly-flopping onto the bottom of a plastic pool is to do it with goggles strapped to your face.

I cracked up when I ran across these pictures recently.  Look at how high he is jumping!  Once I quit laughing, I realized these action shots probably call my parenting skills into question.  I wonder if the possibility of potential injury ever entered my mind.
Oh, well.  I'm happy to report that he is now 27 years old - and relatively normal.  =)

Love you, Ryan!   Mom"

So there you have it, a little bit of scrappy goodness. 
One of my pages from "back in the day." 

And might I just say, I will never let my grandchildren jump from folding chairs into a shallow pool, whether they're wearing goggles or not. 

Mommo.  =)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sweet, sweet sounds

So are you ready for some sweetness ???

We'll show this to them in a few years when he's following K around and won't quit asking her questions.  ha!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Smile File

Does this make you smile as much as it does me?

One of the boys decided he'd had enough.  And it wasn't Ryan.  Although he may have had enough, too, but he didn't cry about it . . .

That's all I've got to share with you today.  Hope you smiled.    =)


Sunday, October 3, 2010

These are a few of my favorite . . .

. . . things people! 

We had some visitors today.  Always happy to see these faces.  

This cute little monkey girl had a big time.

And it was hard to get a good picture of this little fellow today.  He doesn't lay as still as he used to.  And to think this is only the beginning.  Here are a few shots of him talking to his mama.

If you look closely in the last picture of Kaitlyn in the tree, you'll spy a sliver of fall leaves.  I'd love to have a yard full of maple trees.  Their fall parade is hard to beat.  Follow me throughout the fall and you'll probably see a hundred few pictures of the pretty leaves . . . and the pretty little girl.

Speaking of fall, it was a bit nippy today.  I'm ready for the change of seasons.  I was inspired to do a little fall decorating today, but then I got inspired to take a nap.  The nap won.  And I enjoyed it.  =)

Happy fall, y'all!


Friday, October 1, 2010

It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood

Sunday morning was, for sure.  Kristi, a neighbor across the street, has started something.  See, for two years now, she takes some of these . . .

from this tree in our side yard. . .

and later shows up at our front door with this . . .

which quickly turns into this . . .

(I should have taken a picture with just crumbs left)

Kaitlyn was lucky enough to be here when they were delivered.  She requested I take a picture where she was blurry.  Future photographer in the making, y'all.

This year Kristi threw in a jar of strawberry preserves too.  Yum-my.  And, yes, the biscuits were warm when the kids brought them over. 

I do have a confession to make.  I might have reminded her this year when the cherries were ready.  And I might have said something like "better get 'em before the birds do!"  I might have.  Because that's what a good neighbor does. 

Kaitlyn loves the cherries.  She wouldn't typically be fond of anything with a seed, but it's somehow different when you're picking it yourself and can sit right down in the grass and enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Seriously, "fruits" of your labor!  ha!  Am I witty or what?

I wonder if Kristi makes pear preserves.  We've got a pear tree, and it looks like it's pickin' time!  Should I be a good neighbor and let her know?    =)
