Friday, January 21, 2011

Putting Your Foot in Your Mouth . . .

When was the last time you "put your foot in your mouth"?

We've all done it at least once.  Probably more.

And it's never a pretty sight.  Not even a cute sight.  At all.

Not to mention embarrassing.

But this little one

has put a different spin on it.

I mean, seriously. 

Can putting your foot in your mouth get any cuter?

I think not.

And he isn't the slightest bit embarrassed.

I know!  Isn't he cute?

 He can get that foot up there pretty quickly, too. 
That's why he went home with green beans on his socks . . . 

Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thanks, Craig!

This antique vintage baby

gave out on me after only 32 years.
And you know I used the heck out of it. 

So . . . we welcomed this baby to our kitchen a couple weeks ago.

It was a whoppin' five bucks, still in the box, and I only had to drive to the local Walgreen's to meet its previous owner.  

I just love my friend Craig and his amazing lists! 

Happy shopping mixing!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

11 days out of 12

Yep.  A couple of days I even got wild and ran a little bit . . . which is why it's only 11 days out of 12.  My flat feet and bum knee didn't really take to the running, or to the power walking, for that matter.  I need to invest in decent walking shoes before logging many more miles.  I'm nursing a little sumpin' sumpin' in my right foot, so I took a day off and I've slowed down my pace.  Not quite as slow as the 1.8 mph as reflected in the picture, mind you.  That was just so I could get this shot . . . this shot which was taken on manual, thankyouverymuch.  

And if you're trying to figure out what is on the picture, I've made a note to dust the treadmill tomorrow.   :)

I'm working on editing Christmas pictures tonight.  It's about time, huh?


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The blues . . .

Santa brought somebody a guitar . . . and their daddy likes it!

This little pink guitar has got the blues. 


You know his talent all comes from me.    heeee! 


Monday, January 3, 2011

Peas, please!

We kept Nolan before Christmas while Molly and Ryan went to see Garth Brooks. 
The highlight of the evening for us?
Feeding Nolan "real food" for the first time.
Mommo's out of practice and wasn't quick enough for Mr. Nolan.   
I'll get better . . . I just need more practice!  hint hint 


** oh, my **  I forgot Chip panned out and you could see the state my den was in.  This was December 22nd.  See all those packages and boxes in the floor?  Someone had been Christmas shopping that day!  :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter begins on New Years Day.”   Edith Lovejoy Pierce


I saw that quote on one of my favorite decorating blogs and wanted to share it.  Perhaps I'll print it out and post it on my bathroom mirror.  Or maybe my computer monitor, since I try to avoid mirrors first thing in the morning . . . 

My monitor is already covered in Post-its with little reminders to myself.  One reads, "Every choice I make leads to the life I will live."  I don't have a clue who said that, but it rings true.  I think it has prevented a rash decision or two and has probably helped me keep my thoughts to myself on more than one occasion.  Imagine that.

Another one is, "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives," by Annie Dillard.  That particular note is supposed to keep me on task throughout the day.  I should probably have that up there twice, and maybe written in red ink.

I have Jeremiah 29:11 posted on my monitor as well.  "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."  Sometimes we just need a gentle reminder, particularly in trying times.

And there's an anonymous quote Christina shared with me last February.  I remember the date because it was in the middle of a divorce case I was taking, and I wanted so badly to share it with each of the parties.  Of course, I didn't.  It reads,  "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." 

How do you like that ~  a little motivational post from yours truly.  So are you ready start your first chapter for twenty-eleven?  I hope you write yourself a fabulous book year!