Sunday, May 29, 2011

The year of the Cicada


. . . CATCH 'EM!

And then pick "onions" to feed them . . .

Once you're sure they're nice and comfy, look for a few snails to add throw in for good measure.

I'm so glad we'll have 13 years before these obnoxious Cicadas throw their next party.  Aside from the amazingly loud clicking or chirping or whatever irritating sound it is they make, it sounds like there is a flying saucer hovering in the woods across the street.  A few more weeks and they should be gone. 
Thank goodness. 
Then we can catch lightning bugs.  Now, that's my kind of bug!

Stay cool!

(Or if you live in Middle Tennessee, just stay inside.)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her.
                                                                                                    Proverbs 31:28
This seems like a good day to share a couple of my older scrapbook pages that are dear to my heart... 

In the layout below, Mom was expecting with me.  :)

I am the luckiest daughter in the world. 
Well, at least one of the three luckiest daughters; right, sisters?

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
Love you!

And let me just add that
I lucked up in the mother-in-law department too!  :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday night popcorn!

Good Popcorn

Bad Popcorn

It's a nasty job, but it's gotta be done.  Chipper wasn't wild about the idea initially. . .
and now he's suggesting we go ahead and do the den.   :)

Honestly, the kitchen already looks better
after just being scraped and still in its raw form.  
Not that we're done, mind you.  Oh, no.
I do believe the room is bigger than it was this morning.

But this is right up our alley. 
There are few things more rewarding than a good successful DIY project . . .
even on a Saturday night.

Think about us next time you enjoy some good popcorn!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Chicks

     This silly little chickadee thinks it's high time I put away my Easter decor . . .

And she he said he wanted to be on the mantle with everybody else next year. 

And I'm sure I'll oblige . . .  
as I have since found {after Easter has come and gone!} the little chocolate bunny that usually takes up residence under glass this time of year. 

And speaking of silly chicks . . .

(I think Mom is trying to look mean.  Can you imagine???)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Born to Shop

(This meat selection is so exciting!  Publix rocks!)

Shopping isn't for everybody, but for some kiddos it's the best thing ever

I don't doubt but what Ryan makes more stops at Publix these days than may actually be necessary. 

And I know for a fact that he has taken Nolan to Walmart 
for the sole purpose  of showing him off letting him have a little fun. 

(Attention Walmart Shoppers.  All cute Kentucky Wildcat fans, please give us a big smile!)
Yeah, I'm thinking Daddy has a little fun too.
Cheap entertainment is the way to go!

Who knows. I might even enjoy grocery shopping with this little fellow smiling at me!

Thanks for shopping stopping by!