Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Need another reason to smile today?

What can I say?  Guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

I think his big sister would be content to sit there and turn that handle as long as he wanted.  You would too, wouldn't you? 

Now go back and watch it again.  You know you want to!  :)


Monday, June 27, 2011

Worth Pulling Over . . .

Sometimes you've just gotta pull into a parking lot and shoot a little video. 
That's what Ryan did today. 

Miss Kaitlyn loves to sing.  Always has. 
Whether she knows the song or not, she's going to sing along. 

The first time I heard of The Band Perry (the group singing in the video) was when K asked me to turn up the radio.  I asked her who it was, not really expecting her to know.  Yeah, right.  

There's one country song she sings -- I'm horrible with groups and names, so I can't tell you who -- where the female singer has the most southern twang I've ever heard. 
Kaitlyn nails it, spot on.  Cracks me up.

So, anyway, as they're riding down the road today, Ryan pulls over
and documents what he gets to hear all the time. 

When K was just a wee thing, she used to perform for us all the time, whether it be singing, puppets, whatever.  Usually singing.  And she always liked an introduction -- a big introduction -- as she stood off in the hallway. 

So, honored blog readers, I present to you now the one, the only, the super-talented Miss Kaitlyn, coming to you straight from Ryan's backseat!

Enjoy the show!

I've got a little video to share in the next day or so of a certain little soon-to-be one-year-old that's guaranteed to make you smile laugh. 
So check back soon!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

A tribute to my Dad
through one of my older scrapbook pages

And a close-up of the 18-year-old Dapper Dude . . .

And a look at the journaling tag . . .

And this is a re-post from my Mother's Day post. 
I'm not so sure I mentioned that I'm also in this picture . . .
as this was taken while Mom was expecting with me.

But I am sure that I didn't record here on the blog what I journaled on the back of this layout.  And I think I shall.  I might add that there wasn't really any journaling intended,
but I flipped the page over and just started writing. 
And crying.  But that's me, always tearing up. 
So had I intended to be "composing," there would be better sentence structure, an opening and closing sentence that perhaps tied together a little better. 
You get the idea.  Here's what's written:

"My roots - my parents.  My foundation.  Thanks to my parents, I learned to love and trust the Lord.  They raised their family in a Christian home.  I learned the importance of family - immediate and extended.  I learned the value of good work ethic.  I learned the art of spending money wisely and stretching what you have.  I learned what a home is - safety and security - shelter- and how to respect and care for it (and how to clean it . . . really well - thanks, Mom - and how to maintain it - thanks, Dad).  I never really learned a lot about cooking, though.  And that's okay.  I learned kindness.  I learned honesty.  I learned patience.  I learned forgiveness.  I learned tolerance.  I learned to keep my mouth shut.  I learned to listen.  I learned the importance of and have enjoyed the rewards of faithful prayer.  I've learned about being organized and planning ahead.  I've learned all these things and so much more.  I've been learning for 50 years now.   I've not mastered all of these things, but they are instilled in me.  They are a part of my roots.  My parents lead by example.  I listen.  I watch.  I learn.  Someday I hope to master, and I hope to pass these things on..."

Then I went back and added:      

"Oops.  Realized I wasn't finished.  I learned about sacrifice.  I learned you reap what you sow.  I learned generosity.  I learned the easy way isn't always the best way.      CJ     April  '09"

And if I might clarify a few points, my lack of interest in cooking is no reflection on Mom.  She's a fabulous cook, she enjoys it, and she spoils her family like crazy.  And the part about keeping my mouth shut, I don't mean that to imply that I got in trouble for talking.  It just means that I oftentimes keep my thoughts to myself.  You'll more likely hear me say "I wish I had said..." as opposed to "I wish I hadn't said..."   Not always, mind you.  We're all a work in progress; right?  Mother is by no means a big talker, but I think this trait probably comes from Dad.

Let me just end with one of my favorite pictures,
because it's my blog and I can.  :)

Happy Father's Day!
Love you, Dad!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Best Copier EVER

It was time for a new copier, and FedEx delivered today. 

Man, did they ever deliver.

Is this not the best lookin' copier you've ever seen?

The picture quality is poor, but I wanted you to enjoy the entire package... 

And, yes, that's milk running out of his mouth.  Whole milk, that is.
(click on pictures to enlarge)

And this sippy cup business is just too much for me. 
What's happening to my wittle baby?
Don't even try telling me he's going to be a year old in two short weeks.
Where has the time gone?
