Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Fly Ball!

All right! I've discovered the perfect forum for a little grandmother bragging updating. In Tuesday night's softball game, Miss K closed her eyes and held out her glove caught her first fly ball! Woo-hoo! Ryan was on the field, too, as an assistant coach. He describes it as being in slow motion for him. Believe it or not, I didn't have my camera with me... She also got a base hit each time at bat, and tagged a runner out at third. 'Atta girl!

These games are typically the highlight of my day, provided the weather is nice. I definitely prefer fall ball to spring ball. I'm pretty much a fair-weathered fan, literally. We've got a game tonight, too, providing it doesn't rain it out. My camera and I will be there. Lesson learned on that.

Speaking of learning, tomorrow I'll learn how to include a picture in my post! See, Mom? We're both learning new things!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

welcome to blogland Carolyn! it is good times here...good time!!